Having the organizing ability to provide, within their scope of business, the tourists with various services that meet the standard service requirements; (四)有按照经营的业务范围,向旅行者提供符合服务要求的组织能力;
Consider budget and planning for phases of discovery before defining the overall scope of business services and engineering programme. 在定义业务服务和工程计划的整体范围前,需要考虑发现阶段的预算和规划。
The scope of business for domestic tourist agencies shall be limited to domestic tourist services. 国内旅行社的经营范围仅限于国内旅游业务。
The Business Project should be involved in the field of scope of business that company operating. 申请项目须在企业法人营业执照的经营范围内,并符合国家、本市产业政策导向。
I have read your brochure and am very impressed by your scope of business, especially the variety of machine tools you manufacture. 我已看过贵公司的宣传小册子,贵公司的经营范围,尤其是是贵公司生产的机床品种,给我留下了深刻的印象。
A booklet including a general introduction, the scope of business and other topics is enclosed for your reference. 附上本公司概况,业务范围和其它事项的简介一本,供参阅。
But budgets will always determine the scope of business continuity arrangements. 但预算总是决定着业务连续性安排的范围。
Can I have some information about your scope of business? 可以让我了解一下您的业务范围吗?
The goods listed in the application must not overstep the approved or registered scope of business. 申报的商品不得超出核准或者登记的经营范围。
Scope of business: Sales of mechanical-electronic instrument and complete sets of electrical equipment; 公司经营范围:机械电子设备、成套电力设备的销售;
Our tradition of excellence is rich and encompasses the full scope of business activity. 我们的优秀传统是丰富的,包含的全部范围的商业活动。
Foreign establish reputation, brand, and actively develop the market, the current scope of business has over half of China. 对外树立口碑,打造品牌,积极拓展市场,目前业务范围已遍及半个中国。
The agency to be incorporated shall have sound and practical articles of association, management system, working rules and definite scope of business; 有健全可行的机构章程、管理制度、工作规则,有明确的业务范围;
The magazine scope of business: magazine publishes, network media management agency news release product marketing. 杂志社经营范围为:杂志出版发行,网络传媒经营广告代理发布新闻产品营销。
Go beyond its scope of business activities willfully; 擅自超越业务范围的;
Securities companies shall not operate securities or other types of business beyond the approved scope of business. 证券公司不得超出核定的业务范围经营证券业务和其他业务。
Lately we expanded our scope of business to better serve our Far East Asian customers, Chinese customers in particular. 近来我们扩大了业务范围来更好地为远东亚洲客户服务,特别是中国客户。
The scope of business is expanded in recent years, technological level and product quality get breakthrough improvement. 近年来业务范围得到拓展,工艺水平及产品质量得到突破性的提高。
As part of the application, they must choose their intended scope of business from a government catalogue, with one option being investment advisory. 在申请中,它们必须从政府分类目录中选择计划经营范围,其中一项选择是投资咨询。
I have acquainted with knowledge and customs in the scope of business and transactions, especially international trade. 对商务领域尤其是国际贸易范围内的知识和惯例十分熟悉。
Troupe scope of business: theatrical performances, cultural exchanges, performance brokerage, endorsements. 艺术团经营范围为:文艺演出,文化交流,演出经纪,广告代言。
Scope of business license of your company electrical, engineering, designing permission of your operational field? 贵公司的营业执照中的营业范围?有无电气工程的设计,安装许可证?
This not only broadens the scope of business, but also to attract more customers. 这不仅拓宽了业务范围,而且还吸引更多的顾客。
The scope of business of the branch office may not exceed the scope of business of the foreign-funded partnership enterprise. 分支机构的经营范围不得超出外商投资合伙企业的经营范围。
Cooked through years of development, institutions expand the scope of business includes passion. 历经熟年的发展,机构业务范围囊括激情拓展。
This requires unique correlation ID, spanning the scope of business transaction. 这要求横跨业务事务范围的唯一相关ID。
Scope of business: tea leaves processing and selling. 经营范围:茶叶加工、销售。
When the registration authority examines and approves the application of an enterprise as a legal person for reducing registered capital, it shall re-examine its scope of business and mode of operation. 登记主管机关在核准企业法人减少注册资金的申请时,应重新审核经营范围和经营方式。
The scale and speed of development of pawnbroking in Jilin Provice accelerated and the scope of business expanded. 吉林省典当业发展规模和速度不断加快,业务范围不断扩大。
Scope of business: venture capital business and consultative services on venture capital. 投资方向为:高科技产业、矿产资源、特色地产和股权投资等。